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Vendor Spotlight - Mark Trubuhovich, Waiheke Island Celebrant

How did you get started in the wedding industry?

My wife and I were not asked to contribute pre our wedding to the ceremony, we just assumed that this was the format with ceremonies and left up to the expertise and experience of the celebrant. We weren’t very happy with the result and began questioning the process until I finally took matters further by applying for a celebrants licence. The licence was granted 20 years ago and from that moment with rich insight and hindsight  I endeavour with each and every couple to make the ceremony wording truly unique and reflective of the couple and their journey together.

What type of ceremonies do you conduct?

Marriage, renewals and funerals. (Not in that order!)

What advice would you give a Bride and Groom writing their vows?

Tell your significant other how you feel about them, why you chose them and what your intention and promise is for your lives together from ‘this day forward’, writing from the heart with passion, and humour too, if desired. Vows can be deeply romantic, additionally can be playful and fun.

What is your favourite part of a wedding ceremony? Why?

All of it, however ‘reading the room, getting a feel of the arriving guests’, the culture of this particular group of chosen associated friends and family. And the body language of the groom, the deep anticipation, then the arrival of the bride and the overwhelming feeling of love and pride (and nervousness) in each other’s eyes.

Along with that would be the listening to the delivery of the bride and groom’s vows to each other, their promises to their committed life-long union.

Knowing that with all the planning the final result is a huge success and satisfying.

Do you have any advice for couples planning a wedding on Waiheke?

Waiheke is world renowned for beautiful and memorable weddings so after researching the many venues, ( vineyards, beaches, clifftops, private estates and homes) with the suitability for the wedding party, approximate guests numbers and budget in mind, the next task is to select the celebrant early to ensure availability and to choose the ‘right fit’ as every celebrant is as unique as each couple, which is clearly ascertained from an initial interview.

Once these two important tasks are confidently ticked off the real process of planning and organising one of the most exciting occasions of your lives can then began!


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